Agriculture Gypsum Powder
(Gypsum, CaSO4.2H2O) Gypsum Powder, Gypsum Granules and Gypsum Lumps for Agriculture purposes.
The Need For Agriculture Gypsum
Agriculture gypsum can be used in areas with reduced calcium levels on the soil like tropical regions, where calcium is easily leached by excessive rainfall.
To know whether the crop will respond to gypsum check the percentage of calcium, aluminum levels at 20-40 cm depth, If the test shows either low calcium, low base saturation or high aluminum (undesirable) , the use of gypsum is highly advised.
The Role Of Gypsum In Agriculture (Gypsum, CaSO4.2H2O)
While farmers have used gypsum (calcium sulfate dihydrate) for centuries, nowadays more attention due to the needed for natural sources of calcium and Sulfur which is crucial for agriculture.
Calcium is an essential micro-nutrient that is responsible for cell division and growth, protein synthesis and carb transportation and for the cell wall structure. Popularly known in the correction of soil acidity.
Gypsum, also known as calcium sulfate is a soil conditioner, it will enhance the development of physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil, especially on the subsoil.
Major Benefits Of Gypsum
1. Source of calcium and sulfur for plant nutrition.
The Soil doesn’t contain enough sources of calcium and Sulfur and this creates a good demand for agriculture gypsum CaSO4 as Gypsum is an excellent source of sulfur for plant nutrition and enhances crop yield. Calcium is highly required for nutrient absorbed by plants roots, proper levels of Calcium helps stimulate root growth, With deficient calcium levels, uptake mechanisms would fail, gypsum’s has been characterized by high solubility levels, it quickly increases the concentration of calcium in deeper soil levels that improves soil fertility. As mentioned before, calcium is a very demanding nutrient for the plants during cell division and growth, so, roots growth, it is necessary to have enough calcium available for them. The problem is, calcium’s transfer soil levels is quite low, so it stays on the surface causing most of the roots that drive roots up to the upper levels. Also, this nutrient is absorbed at the root cap, consequently, the deeper the nutrient goes on the soil profile, the more contact it will have with the root cap and the more it will stimulate its growth, so agriculture gypsum stimulates the deeper calcium penetration to roots to give better nutrition levels.
2. It provides Plans Hormonal Control
The existence of Sulfur in Gypsum (Gypsum, CaSO4.2H2O) is responsible for hormonal control that affects growth and development process for plants that influence the plant’s defense against bugs and diseases and it’s an important component of the proteins.
3. Cures Soils Acidity and Tackles aluminum toxicity.
One of gypsum’s main advantages is its ability to lessens the aluminum toxicity that accompanies soil acidity. Gypsum can improve some acidic soils to have deeper rooting with resulting benefits to the crops. When Gypsum applied to the soil surface gypsum leaches down to increased root growth, the sulfate reacts with the soluble aluminum in deeper soil profiles to decreases aluminum toxicity.
This process directly affects plant development and yield improvement by improving the plant’s water and nutrient absorption, leading to better growth.
4. Soil Structure Enhancement.
The best soil structures is the balanced soil, that is porous and easily bleached and moderately keeps moisture and nutrition for the benefit of plant, so the nutrition can easily reached, Gypsum has been used for many years to improve aggregation and inhibit or overcome dispersion in sodic soils, agriculture gypsum can create a more favorable ratio in soils that it is normally unfavorable calcium-magnesium ratios, soluble calcium can overcome the dispersion effects of magnesium or sodium ions and help promote flocculation and structure development in dispersed soils.
5. Improves water infiltration by reducing Salt Effect.
Gypsum also improves the ability of soil to drain by combing with salts that makes loads on roots, such load decrease the absorption of nutrients, When we apply gypsum to soil it allows water to move into the soil and allow the crop to grow well.
In drought, efficient water use is the key for crops development. Gypsum helps crops survive during drought by properly capturing all the water you can when it does rain. Better soil structure allows all the positive benefits of soil-water relations to occur and gypsum helps to create and support good soil structure properties.
6. Helps reduce runoff and erosion.
Gypsum acts as a keeping agent that stabilizes phosphorus and other plant nutrients, phosphorus runoff the biggest concern for soil health. Gypsum is considered as the Best solution that reduces soluble phosphorus losses.
Using gypsum as a soil amendment is the most economical way to cut the non-point run-off pollution of phosphorus.
7. Helps recover sodic soils
Gypsum used as a soil corrective agent, as it improves drainage, allowing the water to move into the soil and leach removes the excess unnecessary minerals especially salts, the sulfate bonds in gypsum bonds with sodium to go in deeper soil levels away from roots, that helps to reduce the sodium effect on roots that slows down the metabolism and vital plant growth process, Calcium overcomes toxic effects of sodium chloride salinity.
Other Benefits of why to use agriculture Gypsum
Gypsum Improves Soil Structure.
Gypsum Reclaim Sodic Soils.
Gypsum Avoids Soil Crusting and Aids Seed Emergence.
Gypsum Improves Low-Solute Irrigation Water.
Gypsum porous Compacted Soil.
Gypsum Makes Slightly Wet Soils Easier To Till.
Gypsum Stops Water Runoff and Erosion.
Gypsum Decreased pH of Sodic Soils.
Gypsum Increases the pH of Acidic Soils.
Gypsum Improves Swelling Clays.
Gypsum Prevents Water-logging of Soil.
Gypsum Can Help Remove Excess Boron from Sodic Soil.
Gypsum Makes Water-Soluble Polymer Soil Conditioners More Effective.
Gypsum Makes Excess Magnesium Non-Toxic.
Gypsum Corrects Subsoil Acidity.
Gypsum Can Enhance the Values of Liming.
Gypsum Improves Water-Use Efficiency.
Gypsum Creates Favorable Soil EC.
Gypsum Makes it Possible to Efficiently Use Low Quality Irrigation Water.
Gypsum Decreased Dust Erosion.
Gypsum Helps Plants Absorb Plant Nutrients.
Gypsum Decreased Heavy-Metal Toxicity.
Gypsum Increases Value of Organics.
Gypsum Improves Fruit Quality and Prevents Some Plant Diseases.
Gypsum is a Source of Sulfur.
Gypsum Helps Prepare Soul for No-Till Management.
Gypsum Decrease Bulk Density of Soil.
Gypsum Decreases the Toxic Effect of NaC1 Salinity.
Gypsum Multiplies the Value of Other Inputs.
Gypsum Can Decrease pH of Rhizosphere.
Gypsum Keeps Clay Off Tuber and Root Crops.
Gypsum Decreases Loss of Fertilizer Nitrogen to the Air.
Gypsum Can be a Source of Oxygen for Plants.
Gypsum Helps Earthworms to Flourish.
Gypsum Can Increase Water Retention in Soil.
Gypsum Can Increase Crop Yields.